The times I miss a cigarette the most:
Driving down back country roads
Walking the dog
Right after the kids go to sleep
After sex
All the stuff I've been reading to try and get through the twenty minutes of: I want a cigarette so bad I'm going to bite my own throat soon; say that you should replace the time you smoke with something relaxing. My problem is that the times that trigger it ARE relaxing. What's more relaxing than right after sex or driving down a back country road? What does help me get through it is getting busy. The problem with that is, in turn, I become a tyrant and find something for everyone else to do as well. God I love my family. They happily help me when I ask, let me interupt whatever they are doing and are all cheering me on to quit.
Smash of my day. I didn't smoke
Trash of my day. I didn't smoke
and damn if that little icon beside where you leave comments doesn't look like a cigarette