Friday, January 4, 2013

Because I'd rather be OCD than have COPD

Two years is a damn long time to be filling my lungs with nicotine.
Two years is a damn long time not to write.
Two years is a damn long time to be unhealthy and so far from my natural eating habits, that they are no longer habits.

I don't do resolutions. Since I'm always in a constant evaluation of my life and looking to weed out the unnecessary and get one step closer to my goals, January is usually a natural starting point for assessment and re-evaluation.

We have a tradition at our house. Every night at the dinner table, each person shares a smash and trash of their day. Throwing the breaks on this mental locomotive, I'm taking a day to look through my life's smash and trash.

I Smoke, cough, hack and have a family history of COPD
Devour processed foods
Normally have about one glass of water a week. A WEEK
I Don't excercise
I don't have any time just to myself

Regular date nights and an awesome marriage
We do lots of fun things as a family
Regular date nights with each kid
I know what type of foods are healthy and where to get them.

The Plan
January- Breathe right: Stop smoking
Get moving: Nightly walks as a family
February- Start shopping at the farm for meat and produce.
March- Zero refined sugar and processed foods
April- Start working out three times a week

....hmmm that about does it....that's super encouraging. I can totally do this! This month is going to be the hardest. I hate quitting smoking. Kids beware!

1 comment:

  1. While having a relative with OSA increases the odds another family member may also have OSA, it is still important to be aware of key indicators. Snoring, daytime fatigue, morning headaches and irritability are just a few symptoms that come along with the condition. Share our risk assessment quiz with your family to see if a sleep study would be wise. (1)
