So close. So very, very close.
At the end of August I *should* be in front of my bills, with money in an emergency fund. Obstacles: illness and lack of self control. Buddy and I have been home sick this week with strep throat. My medical bills and lack of work is putting a major cramp into my financial goals for this month. GRRRR stupid, big, white, smelly, tonsils. BUT as long as I don't blow my money on other misc. crap, I should be ok.
I'm excited to actually be in a place where I have money and can budget AND ...wait for it.....have money in a designated clothing envelope :) Finances have never been a strength for me, so it's pretty cool to see even this area in my life changing and becoming something I can be proud of.
I've had to find some really creative ways of making money: Selling things, bargain hunting, sticking to thrift stores and discount shops.....having to accept that pretty much every purchase would be my fourth choice (if given the choice). Even with all the short cuts I had a $200 difference in income and expense, so what to do? I'd already sold everything I could (besides my camera...somethings are just a no deal), cut all the corners...the only thing left was me. No I didn't become a lady of the night, but I am selling parts of my body for cash.
I found out that I can make at least $200 a month selling my plasma. It's not that bad. It takes about 1 hour twice a week and I get to read a book while I make money. Crazy that I can't donate blood because I keep getting tattooed, but they will buy my plasma from me.
One day I'll be able to tell Maddie I paid for her ballet with my blood. How's that for a guilt trip if she wants to drop out ;)
(Can I also say that I just spellchecked myself and didn't have a single error? )
That is kinda sad, yet I respect you immensely. It will probably be much more difficult to over spend when your blood it what it cost. Hmm, sounds like a sermon is coming on.