Thursday, March 25, 2010


After a drunken Saturday night ("Hey, you deserve some fun.") and no remorse on my part, my best friend had a "come to Jesus" talk with me.

I am a loser. Yes, without Jesus I am a whore, drunken, irresponsible, selfish, arrogant and pitiful person. The problem is....I forgot that.

I have been living constantly looking in my rearview mirror. In comparison to a single chaotic event I have been able to proclaim: "Look how strong I am", "Look how much I've done", "Look at how much I've overcome.". Me, me, me. I am awesome, I am Rosie the Riveter.

Saturday night I went out with an old friend from High School. I ALWAYS get in trouble with this friend. It's not her, she keeps her head, but I always give myself permission to throw out all boundaries when I'm with her. Because I felt like the entire galaxy was chanting "Mary have fun, you deserve it"...I did. I have been waiting for the chance to go out and celebrate my divorce. Isn't that what you do? You celebrate a years worth of hard, but good choices by getting trashed and making really, really, bad choices? Oh our twisted world.

I am so thankful for the love of friends that will tell you when you are screwing up. I feel like a schmuck, but I'd rather have the necessary humbling then get really off track and have no idea how I got there.

I've been giving myself to much grace. There is a balance, and I tipped it. "I don't want to be a smoker, but I'll deal with that later, given the circumstances its understandable.".

The decision has been made. No longer am I going to compare my life to what I came from. I'm going to stop counting the months "since I left".

New life. Day one.


  1. Errogance. Brilliant title. Revisits have their place in the growth process. Keep moving on Mary. The angels actually cheer way louder than the galaxy ever chanted when you make Kingdom choices. It is a much longer lasting high too. Those kingdom ovations are so worth living for. That is a promise.
    Love your AZ amiga

  2. I saw a lot more humility in this post than arrogance...
