Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Help comes in many ways.

1. Neighbors. I have awesome neighbors that check on me, let me borrow milk when it's a pain to haul all the kids to the grocery store, give me a DVD player when mine can't be fixed, offer to buy me cable, help walk the kids to the car, stand outside with an umbrella around the time I'll be home...Seriously, the kind of neighbors I've always dreamed about. My apartment complex also, has a woman that serves our community as her ministry. We get yummy Panera goods every Saturday, she collects clothes and shoes in the kids sizes, she watches the kids in a pinch and she also checks up on us every once in awhile.
3. Church. I've found a church community that feels so much like home. I have made instant friendships with people that are so cool and in love with Jesus. I knew I was home when I walked into the YMCA (where we meet) and the congregation was filled with young, tattoo embellished, baby wearing families. The worship is amazing and the people are real.
4. Lakeland. I love Lakeland and am so happy to have ended up here! My apartment is nestled in acres of moss laden Oak trees. It feels more like a campground than a multi housing complex. We go for nature walks and the kids collect acorns and chase squirrels on the way to the mail box. Every morning as I pull out of the complex to head to work, I am greeted by the sunrise on the Lake. On the way to work I pass at least 5 lakes and I never get tired of all the green and nature around me.....sometimes that nature makes it way on to my tires in the form of road kill ;)
5. The Team. I am so grateful for the amazing people in my life. Each person has such a special role.
  • The Bestie- This girl is uh-mazing. The most loyal, loving, Godly woman I am fortunate to be life long friends with. She also has a well perfected kick to the a$$ move, so watch out! She never lets me lose site of my goals, she understands that at times I'm tired and overwhelmed, but is faithful to remind me that despite of all that, I still have family goals that I want met.
  • New Friends- They didn't know me as a married woman. They weren't a part of the start over. All they know is this woman that showed up to church with three young kids. It's been so interesting to make friends that only know me as "now". Their perceptions are really thought provoking.
  • Family- I lived far away from them for 8 years. I wasn't that great at keeping in touch, and visits were limited to once a year at best. I had pushed out of my mind how great living by family is because thinking about it only made me sad. Now, that I'm in Florida, I love talking to my family, seeing them and getting to have them be a part of the kids lives.
  • My counselor- half Christian half Jedi mind trick master

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful!!! And all a testimony to how very thoughtful Jesus is toward you, My Friend!
